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Company Overview Environment

Environmental Management, Key Activities

With the arrival of a new climate regime in 2021, many countries and companies, including Korea, are declaring carbon neutrality, and the global economic system is being reorganized with a focus on responding to the climate change crisis.
KTCU has explicitly expressed its active will to achieve 2050 carbon neutrality and contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through eco-friendly buildings and photovoltaic facilities.

to UN SDGs

13 기후변화와 대응 UN SDGs 마크
13. CLIMATE ACTION 13.1 Strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related hazards and natural disasters
15 육상생태계 보전 UN SDGs 마크
15. LIFE ON LAND 15.2 Promoting the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restoring degraded forests and substantially increasing afforestation and reforestation globally

Purpose & Implementation direction

  • Eco-friendly
    green office
  • Campaign,
  • Responsible
Realization of
  • Eco-friendly green office Energy saving
  • Campaign, education Daily eco-friendly activities
  • Responsible(ESG) investment Socially responsible institutional investors

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